Monday, August 25, 2008

Just Because I love him

This is Keith on the summit of Mt. Massive, what a guy!

I sure love my husband. I mean come on, he actually likes, well loves me! He is my best friend and is in my opinion the perfect husband....he is the one who begged for 4 kids (not me), he does dishes, changes diapers, sits and does homework with the kids, not to mention see's who knows how many patients in a day, climbs 14er's, can fix anything (even me)....I just love him Forever.


Rachel B. said...

Tom loves Keith too. I'm sure not in the same way you do :)...but he always has such nice things to say about him. I know he really looks up to and respects Keith.

Heidi A. said...

Cute blog! You gave me a smile!

We've got a new blog LIST for Mormon Moms and would LOVE to add your site. Just visit us at and we'll add your name!

Kelli Eudis said...

Sorry I missed out on the VT chat, seriously though if you EVER need anything please call me!

Sometimes I think I might be running around with my head cut off or maybe my brain :) I've only had it written on my calendar forever that I look at EVERYday. Anyways you are beautiful and we LOVE your family!!