Monday, September 22, 2008

Feeling a little old?

When I start to think about it, I am getting a little bit old! I have wrinkles, I am 37, My son is about to get his driving permit, we just had a long discussion about what profession he would like to go into because he is worried about being away from his wife and kids too much (he's worried about this at 15)!!!!!!! My parents just retired, my husband has some grey hairs, two of the young women that I taught just a few years ago are becoming mothers (one is on her second child), the clothes that I like are not really age appropriate, I am not sure what dept. to shop in, do they have a department called "I feel 20 but I'm not?"ugh......


Kelli Eudis said...

okay. you are funny. i am cracking up. but if it makes you feel better you look amazing.

Rachel B. said...

Okay little Miss Patti...if I could look like you at 37 I would be thrilled. Heck, if I could look like you at 28 I'd be thrilled. :)

Mandi Castro said...

Hi Patti you are amazing, and you look great. I love working out with you. Thanks !

Melissa and Jeremy said...

Awww I miss you!!!! :-)
Check out my new blog for my exciting life update.

Love ya!