Saturday, July 19, 2008

Become As A Little Child.....Ha!

I sure love my little Levi and it's a good thing. This morning I was trying to prepare my talk for tomorrow, well I told my little boys to go play and leave Mom alone for a little bit. I hear a boom and a cry, of course I go running to see what happened. Well, Levi was trying to get himself a drink of red crysal lite and dropped it all over. Where do you start cleaning this stuff up? The scream was him slipping in it and falling on his little head, ugh. why does he always pick red?

1 comment:

The Johnsonz said...

Oh! That cute little puppy dog face! It's a good thing that you got pictures because we know how fast the time goes! And how DID you get that red wiped up?? That stuff stains EVERYTHING!! :)